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Your E-Learning Platform





Eine Mitarbeitende wirft einen lächelnden Blick in ihren Computer.


A range of topics for targeted trainings with Learnhub

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Eine Frau beim E-Learning, die lachend in ihren Computer schaut.

Customer reviews of Learnhub


With the E-Learning on the topic of unconscious bias, we have achieved our goal: to sensitize Zeppelin employees to D&I topics. It creates direct added value for positive and productive cooperation and creates awareness for diversity and an inclusive working environment as well as for the reflection of one's own actions. We fully recommend the cooperation with ICUnet. We highly appreciate their effectiveness, professionalism and D&I expertise and look forward to future joint projects!
Stefanie Schäfer
Zeppelin GmbH
The cooperation with ICUnet on the topic of "Unconscious Bias" was a real co-creation. With their comprehensive expertise and the company-specific requirements of OTTO and bonprix, an interactive digital learning path and a practical full-day training for our colleagues were created. The result is an enlightening and low-threshold offer that encourages self-reflection and makes you curious - exactly what we were looking for! Cooperation at eye level that combined intensity and fun. Thank you!
Kirstin Hahne & Svenja Nichiteanu
bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH / Otto GmbH & Co KG
The resulting e-learning offers enormous added value for our employees. It teaches practical strategies and provides valuable resources to break down barriers and create an inclusive work culture. Conducting the course at EOS has helped our employees develop a deeper understanding of diversity and inclusion and to implement these values in their daily work. We appreciate your expertise, commitment and professionalism. I can highly recommend ICUnet and look forward to future projects with you!
Lukas von Lindern
EOS Group
Samantha Bischof, Head of Digital Learning bei der ICUnet.Group.

Contact us

Samantha Bischof

Head of Digital Learning